Pianot ja flyygelit
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Boston Grand Pianos

You do not need to be a concert pianist to enjoy a grandiose piano-playing experience. However, as your mastery of articulation, tempo and keystroke grows, so too do your demands of your instrument. At this point, a high-quality grand piano can open up completely new dimensions of sound for you. Discover your potential with a member of the Steinway family: Boston designed by Steinway & Sons.

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Rainbow Collection


Boston grand and upright pianos are ahead of comparable instruments in the mid-price range when it comes to tone qualities and possibilities because their construction benefits from the expertise and developments of Steinway & Sons. These include the Octagrip™ pinblock, patented in 2009, and the typical Steinway duplex scale. Their outstanding quality inspires a growing number of lovers of music worldwide, including many institutions.

The best part: if you purchase a Steinway within 10 years, we will credit you 100 per cent of the purchase price for your Boston model. We call that our ‘Steinway Promise’.

‘You can hear the effects of the Steinway & Sons design from one end of the scale to the other.’

Bob Winter

Berklee College of Music


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Kiitos! Viestisi on lähetetty. Kuulet meiltä pian.