Flügel & Klaviere Kaufratgeber Händler
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“Steinway pianos have had special meaning for me at each stage in my development. As a young piano student growing up in Israel, the name Steinway carried a certain awe because of its rarity, and it was a special treat to play on the Steinway at my teacher's studio, or if I was lucky, at a concert hall. Then, at conservatoires in America, the first thing I learned was how to tell which practice rooms had Steinway pianos: they were the ones that were always taken! Of course it is now, as a performing artist, that I can fully understand what these instruments have to offer. In a live concert - at the moments when one reaches for something extra it is most essential to be playing a Steinway. It is with the Steinway that the true realizations of the great works are made possible.”

Yael Weiss

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