Flügel & Klaviere Kaufratgeber Händler
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“As a student of several great teachers, it was instilled in me that, in piano playing, sound is everything. It was also instilled in me that a performer's intention of sound is equally important. Now, as a teacher myself, I enthusiastically pass on this advice to my students. I have had opportunities to perform on instruments of many different brands, but far and away Steinways have consistently been able to communicate my intention of sound more than any other piano. Only on a Steinway do I ever feel that I am limited by my own imagination and skills. Steinways are like the best orchestras, their range in color, sonority, and timbre reaches to the farthest ends of the spectrum. Because of this, playing on Steinways engenders in me confidence on stage that make my performance successful and true to my artistic intentions.”

Andrew Le

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